How do I find my lot's PLAT?
To search on parcels within Baldwin County, go to:
- Baldwin County's home page:
- Revenue Commissioner's home page:
- Search on public records:
NOTE: The following instructions are outdated.
Most, if not all, of Baldwin County's records are online and searchable. To find the official PLAT for your lot, do the following:
- Go to the Baldwin County Search Page at
- Select "Deeds & Records".
- Enter "Rock Creek" in to the "Grantor or Grantee Name" field.
- Select "Map" for "Limit Searches to Instrument Type".
- Click "Submit"!
The first ten or so hits will be the different phases of development for Rock Creek community. You will have to "wade" through these links to find the specific phase and lot that you are interested in. Click on the TIF or PDF icon to retrieve the map.